Getting Started: Messaging in .NET with MassTransit
This course starts with no assumed knowledge of messaging and guides you through everything you need to get started with asynchronous messaging in .NET with MassTransit.
You start with a traditional RESTful API, and make the necessary changes to evolve the project to a modern one, focusing on messaging. The course walks you through the concepts step-by-step, and you learn by implementing them yourself with MassTransit.
Getting Started: Messaging in .NET with MassTransit on Dometrain.
Course Overview
Basic concepts
- Things to consider when using asyncronous messaging
- What is a message
- Topologies
- Endpoints
- Installing MassTransit Packages
- Configuring the bus
MassTransit in practice
- Why use MassTransit
- Consumers
- Messages
- Controlling the naming
- ConsumerDefinitions
- Message headers
- Events
- Commands
Dealing with errors
- Skipped queues
- Error queues
- Configuring Error queue names
- Faults
- Listening to specific faults
Adding resilience
- How the retry policies work
- Verifying retry attempts
- Using Exception filters
- What is a redelivery
- Delayed redeliveries
- Replaying a message
- Replaying all messages
- Pipes & Filters
- Using Send Filters
- Using Publish Filters
- Strongly-typed filters & ways of registration
Outbox/inbox pattern
- Enabling & configuring the bus outbox
- Bus outbox vs consumer outbox
- What is the Saga pattern
- State Machines
- State transitions
- Finalizing sagas