Integrating with other systems
Often people want to consume messages off of their broker that are coming from other non-MassTransit systems. The below video reviews how to do this.

Key Points
Exclude this endpoint from the topology mapping. Since this endpoint is defined by a different system, we don't need MassTransit's help here.
endpointConfigurator.ConfigureConsumeTopology = false;
Add the RawJsonSerializer
to the list of serializers supported. The serializer
specifically looks for application/json
versus the standard content-type used
by MassTransit which is application/vnd.masstransit+json
If you want to have MT bind the endpoint to the correct topic you can do the following:
if(endpointConfigurator is IRabbitMqReceiveEndpointConfigurator rabbit)
If the existing system isn't setting the content type
If the messages doesn't have a content-type set, you can tell MassTransit
what the default content type should be. Since, as the app developer, you know
the content is application/json
you can set that manually. Then when a
message comes in without a header, MT will select the correct one.
endpointConfigurator.DefaultContentType = new ContentType("application/json");